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Curatorial Residency at Node Center Berlin

Curatorial Residency at Node Center Berlin

The Curatorial Residency at Node Center Berlin is an intensive twelve weeklong program designed for emerging curators who may wish to expand their professional practice in Berlin.

Open application period: October 1st - December 10th 2011

Program dates: February 14th - May 8th 2012 /

"Unfolding" / Publication by resident curators / Spring 2011
About the program

The residents registered within the Node Center's residency program will develop specific theoretical-practical research during their residency, which will include a participation on a publication and the curation of a final show.

Additionally, the program will be reinforced with activities such as workshops, seminars, studio visits, meetings with art professionals and visits to exhibition spaces.

The different lines of research that Node explore, are focused on the curatorial practices that expand their own mechanisms beyond the normal 'taxonomic' processes of the art exhibition, generating new discursive possibilities.

Detailed information:


To be eligible participants must submit an application by December 10th, 2011:

Afterwards, an online interview will take place with each applicant. As soon as we receive the applications we will contact each participant to schedule an interview.

Cost of the program:

· 1 initial deposit of 670€

· 3 monthly payments of 750€

For more information: /

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Node Center for Curatorial Studies


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